
The Options class enables control over how your validator processes data and handles errors.

  • throw (boolean, default: true): Controls whether the validator throws an exception immediately on the first violation (true) or aggregates all violations into the result (false).
  • strict (boolean, default: true): Determines if an exception is thrown when data properties lack corresponding validation rules.

Providing Options:

  1. Per Validation: Pass an Options instance as an optional argument to the validate() method to customize behavior for a specific validation run.
  2. Validator-Wide Defaults: During validator instantiation, provide an Options object to set default behaviors for all subsequent validations performed by that validator instance.


use Norvica\Validation\Options;
use Norvica\Validation\Validator;

// Configure the validator's default behavior to aggregate violations
// instead of throwing an exception on the first error.
$options = new Options(throw: false);
$validator = new Validator(options: $options);

// Perform validation using the (non-throwing) behavior.
$result = $validator->validate(value: $data, rules: $rules);

// Override the default behavior for a single validation run. This will
// throw an exception on the first violation encountered.
$validator->validate(value: $data, rules: $rules, options: new Options(throw: true));