Custom Rules

The library provides flexibility by allowing you to extend its functionality with custom validation rules. Here’s the process for defining your own rules.

Create a Rule Class

  • Your rule class must implement the Rule interface provided by the library.
  • Use constructor arguments to allow for customization of your rule’s behavior (e.g., the transparency option in the HexColor example).
  • Include the #[\Attribute] annotation if you want to use your rule as an attribute (optional).
  • Implement the validator() method, returning the fully qualified name of your validator class that you’ll create next.


use Norvica\Validation\Rule\Rule;

readonly class HexColor implements Rule
    public function __construct(
        public bool $transparency = false,
    ) {}

    public static function validator(): string
        return HexColorValidation::class;

Create a Validator Class

  • Your validator should be a callable class (often a single-method class, as in the example).
  • The validator’s __invoke() method will be called during the validation process. It receives:
    • $value: The value being validated.
    • $rule: An instance of your rule class.
  • Inside the __invoke() method, perform the necessary validation logic. If the validation fails, throw a ValueRuleViolation exception.


use Norvica\Validation\Exception\ValueRuleViolation;

final class HexColorValidation
    public function __invoke(
        string $value,
        HexColor $rule,
    ): void {
        if (!preg_match($rule->transparency ? '/^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3,4}){1,2}$/' : '/^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$/', $value)) {
            throw new ValueRuleViolation('Value must be a HEX color');

If your validator requires some dependencies, please refer to the Validator Dependencies documentation section.

Use Your Custom Rule

Instantiate your custom rule object and include it in your validation rules array, just like any built-in rule.


$data = ['color' => '#5e759cff'];
$rules = ['color' => new HexColor(transparency: true)];

$validator->validate($data, $rules);

Use Built-in or Custom Normalizers (Optional)

The library allows you to apply normalizers to your data before validation, providing a way to preprocess and clean up values. To use normalizers with your custom rule:

  • Implement the Normalizable interface: Add the Normalizable interface to your rule class.
  • Implement the normalizers() method: This method should return an array of normalizer objects provided by the library or your own custom normalizers.
use Norvica\Validation\Rule\Rule;
use Norvica\Validation\Normalizer\Normalizable;
use Norvica\Validation\Normalizer\Trim;

readonly class HexColor implements Rule, Normalizable
    // ...

    public function normalizers(): array
        return [
            new Trim(),

You can use one of the built-in normalizers (which are simple callables) or create your own.

  • Binary: Converts values to boolean true or false. Recognizes various representations of “on” (e.g., “On”, “Yes”, “1”) and “off” (e.g., “Off”, “No”, “0”).
  • DateTime: Converts value to a DateTimeImmutable instance.
  • Lower: Converts all characters within a string to lowercase.
  • Upper: Converts all characters within a string to uppercase.
  • Numeric: Converts numeric string to a number.
  • Spaceless: Removes all space characters from a string.
  • Trim: Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string.

Normalizers modify the value before it reaches your validator. This can be useful for tasks like trimming whitespace, converting to lowercase, or other transformations.

Normalizers do not change the original data; they provide a normalized copy for the validation process.

Validator Dependencies

When creating custom validators that have external dependencies (like database connections or other services), you’ll need a way to provide these dependencies to your validator instances. The library offers flexibility in how you approach this.

Let’s assume you have a custom rule UniqueConstraint and its corresponding validator UniqueConstraintValidation, which requires a PDO instance.

Your rule:

use Norvica\Validation\Rule\Rule;

readonly class UniqueConstraint implements Rule
    public function __construct(
        public string $table,
        public string $column,
    ) {

    public static function validator(): string
        return UniqueConstraintValidator::class;

Your validator:

final readonly class UniqueConstraintValidation
    public function __construct(
        private PDO $pdo,
    ) {

    public function __invoke(string $value, UniqueConstraint $rule): void
        // ...

Pass In a Map (Simplest)

For straightforward use cases, create a map of validator class names to their instances and pass this directly to the Validator constructor.

use Norvica\Validation\Validator;

$pdo = new PDO('<your-connection-parameters>');
$validation = new UniqueConstraintValidation($pdo);

$validator = new Validator(registry: [
    UniqueConstraintValidation::class => $validation,

Implement Your Registry

Create a custom Registry implementation to manage the creation of validator instances and their dependencies.

Your registry:

use Norvica\Validation\Exception\LogicException;
use Norvica\Validation\Registry\Registry;

class YourRegistry implements Registry
    public function get(string $validator): callable
        if (!$this->has($validator)) {
            throw new LogicException("Validator '{$validator}' not found.");

        return ($this->instances()[$validator])();

    public function has(string $validator): bool
        return isset($this->instances()[$validator]);

    private function instances(): array
        return [
            UniqueConstraintValidation::class => function () {
                $pdo = new PDO('<your-connection-parameters>');

                return new UniqueConstraintValidation($pdo);


$validator = new Validator(registry: $yourRegistry);

Implement a Container Adapter

If you’re using a PSR-11 compatible dependency injection container (or any other DI container), create an adapter to leverage it.

Your adapter:

use Norvica\Validation\Exception\LogicException;
use Norvica\Validation\Registry\Registry;

class YourAdapter implements Registry
    public function __construct(
        private \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container, // assuming you're using PSR container
    ) {

    public function get(string $validator): callable
        return $this->container->get($validator);

    public function has(string $validator): bool
        return $this->container->has($validator);


$validator = new Validator(registry: $yourAdapter);