Validation Errors

The validate() method offers flexibility in how validation errors are handled. Here’s how to work with the different modes.

Throwing Exceptions (Default Behavior)

By default, the first validation failure will throw a PropertyRuleViolation exception. This is useful for scenarios where you want immediate feedback and error handling. PropertyRuleViolation indicates that a specific property has violated a validation rule.


use Norvica\Validation\Exception\PropertyRuleViolation;

$data = ['email' => 'john.doe', 'password' => 'P4$$w0rd'];
$rules = ['email' => new Email(), 'password' => new Password()];

try {
    $validator->validate($data, $rules);
} catch (PropertyRuleViolation $e) {
    $e->getMessage(); // "email: Value must be a valid E-mail address"
    $e->getPath(); // "email"
    $e->getText(); // "Value must be a valid E-mail address"

Aggregating Violations

To collect all validation violations instead of stopping at the first one, pass an Options instance to the validate() method, setting the throw option to false.


use Norvica\Validation\Result;
use Norvica\Validation\Options;
use Norvica\Validation\Exception\PropertyRuleViolation;

$data = ['email' => 'john.doe', 'password' => 'P4$$w0rd'];
$rules = ['email' => new Email(), 'password' => new Password()];

$result = $validator->validate($data, $rules, new Options(throw: false));

if (!empty($result->violations)) {
    // handle all errors the way you'd like, for instance:
    foreach ($result->violations as $violation) {
        echo $violation->getPath() . ": " . $violation->getText() . "\n";